What we did
Embark on a journey through our vibrant past, filled with remarkable milestones and unforgettable experiences!
Take a stroll down our memory lane, where each step echoes the success stories of International Conferences, exhilarating Hackathons, enlightening Workshops, and countless other adventures that have defined our legacy.
Here's to the memories made, and to the countless more waiting to be created in the future!

NGS Networking Day
11 Dec 2023
Braga, PortugalAs part of Portugal’s Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), INL actively contributes to the NGS - New Generation Storage Agenda, engaging in various research initiatives spanning the entire battery value chain.
Under this endeavour, INL hosted the NGS Networking Day, organised by dstgroup.
Iberian Science Day 2023
17 Nov 2023
Braga, PortugalINL celebrated the Iberian Science Day: “An ode to the long years of scientific cooperation between Spain and Portugal”. The event joined high-level representatives of the European Commission and leading experts from Research and Technology Organisations to explore the forward position of both countries in the semiconductor industry.
Photonics Online Meetup - INL Hub
13-14 Nov 2023
Braga, PortugalINL joined the global initiative Photonics Online Meetup (POM) as a POM-hub, bringing together 100 photonics enthusiasts from 24 organizations across Northwestern Iberia for two days of insightful discussions and engaging sessions.
INL Open Day
30 Sep 2023
Braga, PortugalAn exciting event where the Laboratory opened its doors to the community. With the participation of almost 900 enthusiastic visitors, participants met researchers and visited our unique facilities.
MFS 2023
27-29 Sep 2023
Braga, PortugalInternational Conference Microscopy at the Frontiers of Science: Three days of an engaging international event focused on electron microscopy and its impact on life sciences, material sciences and structural biology.
SBDToolbox Conference
18-20 Sep 2023
Braga, PortugalAn event on Tools and Tests for Safer-by-Design Nanomaterials that brought together researchers, policy-makers and industry in a full programme with insightful plenaries, invited talks, and networking opportunities.
CellAgri Portugal International Conference
7-8 Sep 2023
Braga, PortugalFirst International Conference of the Portuguese Association for Cellular Agriculture. The event fostered collaborative development in the field of cellular agriculture and explored the latest advancements in cellular agriculture products.
Workshop on the Future of Open Innovation Testbeds
14 June 2023
Lund, SwedenThis Workshop was held at the Lund University as a satellite event of the EURONANOFORUM 2023. Participants discussed the crucial issues that are unfolding during the OITB projects’ implementation and explored future actions that can strengthen the community.
Horizon Europe BATT4EU Funding Opportunities
4 May 2023
Braga, PortugalINL in collaboration with ANI - Agência Nacional de Inovação hosted the session Horizon Europe BATT4EU Funding Opportunities focused on presenting the BATT4EU partnership and funding opportunities in Horizon Europe for energy storage solutions.
Inauguration of the Cryo-EM Facility at INL
2 Feb 2023
Braga, PortugalThe CryoEM-PT initiative comprises a central node at INL - where a state-of-the-art Cryo-Electron Microscope has just been installed - and several other nodes distributed throughout the country, from North to South.
Official visit of the Spanish and Portuguese Governments
4 Nov 2022
The President of the Government of Spain and the Portuguese Prime Minister, together with Portuguese Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, and the Minister of Science and Innovation of Spain, visited INL under the opening of the 33rd Portuguese-Spanish Summit.
Back to a Healthy Future
21-22 Sep 2022
Brussels, BelgiumThe EC-funded project Inno4cov-19 - led by INL - joined forces with Covidx to showcase the novel medical technologies developed by companies supported over the last 2 years by both projects.
Sustainable Nanofabrication - Networking event
5-7 July 2022
Braga, PortugalThe H2020 projects SUSNANOFAB and NanoFabNet joined forces to host a networking event on Sustainable Nanofabrication.
OITB Village at IndTech2022
27-29 June 2022
Grenoble, FranceThe H2020 projects FlexFunction2Sustain and SAFE-N-MEDTECH joined forces to create an OITB Village at IndTech2022 in Grenoble, France.
20-23 June 2022
Braga, PortugalETPN2022 was a unique in-person conference bringing together scientists, technology providers, entrepreneurs, industry and clinicians, all of them developing great medical applications of Nanotechnologies and emerging MedTech.
20-21 June 2022
Braga, PortugalCounting on a multidisciplinary group of 30 experts sharing ground-breaking viewpoints, the two-day journey of the conference took us around six central topics that sparked insightful discussions and laid considerable foundations to strengthen a world in transition.
BioIberoAmerica 2022
7-9 Apr 2022
Braga, PortugalIn Bioiberoamerica 2022, the most recent advances and challenges of Biotechnology and its impact on the various application sectors, from medicine to industry, including the sea, food, and the environment, were addressed.
TOTAL - NANOSAFE: from Molecules to Public Health
11-12 Nov 2021
Braga, Portugal [hybrid event]The event aimed to get a broad overview of the state of the art in the different aspects of nanosafety, to increase the interactions among the community of experts, providing the chance of sharing new ideas and generating new collaborations.
MFS 2021
29 Sep – 1 Oct 2021
[online event]Three days of a powerful programme focused on electron microscopy and its impact on life sciences, material sciences and structural biology.
Quantum Portugal Initiative Lecture Series
April - Dec 2021
The QPI Lectures are a series of freely accessible live webinars organized by INL, to track the rapid progress of research and development in quantum science and technology.
Nano Circus: the amazing experience of arts & science
26 Jan 2024
The Nano Circus was an extraordinary event that combined nanotechnology and circus arts, in a dazzling show of creativity and collaboration. The event showcased the culmination of a transformative artistic residency by the Equilibrium Social Circus team at INL.
Farewell to Former INL Deputy Director General, Professor Paulo Freitas
24 Jan 2024
Paulo Freitas has been a pivotal figure since the beginning of INL, leaving an undeniable imprint on the core of the Laboratory. Colleagues, friends, and well-wishers gathered to express their appreciation for his impact during the last 15 years.
Infoday: Chips JU 2024 funding opportunities
4 Mar 2024
INL partnered up with the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the National Agency of Innovation (ANI) to promote an Information Session dedicated to the European Partnership Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU).
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